A lot of really great things have happened in my extended family in the past three years.
My cousin Ami got married and gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
My aunt Nancy got married (maybe a little more than three years ago, I forget now) and gave birth to a healthy baby girl, followed by a healthy baby boy.
My cousin Dave got married and became the father of a healthy baby boy.
My cousin Nikki gave birth to a baby boy who started off with some health issues but is thriving now.
My cousin Jody got engaged and gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
I gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
My cousin Kevin got married and became a (step)father.
My sister, Meaghen, met and fell in love with a wonderful man, who loves her to bits.
I mention all of this because it's easy to get bogged down in focusing on the negative. Once you start doing that it's a downward spiral of, "Why me/us? Life sucks!" A lot of crap has befallen my extended family in the last few years, too - the loss of both of my grandparents, stillbirths, miscarriages, heart attacks, etc. I'm not giving a detailed list because my cousins and I have decided we need to stay positive and supportive. I want to focus on what's good in my life and in the lives of the people I love.
Yesterday my uncle, my mom's youngest brother, was given a diagnosis of stage 4 mantle cell lymphoma. It's in his spleen, his groin and the lymph nodes in his neck. He has a wife and 10 year old daughter, plus of course a huge extended family. I've asked this before, but please pray to whatever higher power you believe in for my uncle, aunt and cousin.
And try to focus on the good in your life.
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