Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Jodi, don't read this!

Rylee is sleeping better than ever lately. It's like she made a New Year's Resolution - she partied hard on New Year's Eve, but has been going to sleep earlier ever since. Last night she fell asleep during House. I put her in her crib around 10. When she started crying this morning, I got up and went to feed her without looking at the clock. I was SHOCKED when I heard Ryan's alarm go off while I was feeding her. Tonight was the earliest so far - I put her in her bed somewhere between 8 and 9, and she didn't start crying. I think she woke up when I put her down, but she never cried, and eventually drifted off to sleep - something neither of her sisters ever did. I'd love to think it's something to do with my stellar parenting, but after three babies, I know it's nothing to do with me at all. I remember thinking when Sammie was a baby that it was something we were doing right. Then Hailey came along, and no matter what I did, that kid didn't sleep.

We were watching some videos of the days immediately following Hailey's birth tonight. We had both forgotten how dark her hair was at birth. I've been telling everybody she had brown hair, like Rylee does, but it was really dark! So maybe Rylee will end up being as fair haired as her sisters. And resemblance? I thought it was a video of Rylee's birth until I realized Ryan's hair was different. Hailey at birth was identical to Rylee at birth. This makes me happy, because Sammie and Hailey are much closer in age than Hailey and Rylee, and look SO much alike, I was worried Rylee would feel like the odd kid out.

Anyway, in other news, we have a new fish tank. It replaced the small one my sister bought as a present for Hailey, who was very into fish for a while. (She's into horses now, but fortunately, my sister's budget does not extend to horses) It needs new fish, freshwater fish who don't mind some current and can live with the harlequins, the cardinal tetra and the cori (sp?) who already live there, preferably colourful. Suggestions?

Oh, and Rylee laughed for the first time last night. Ryan said she almost laughed on NYE, it was like she was trying but couldn't quite figure out how to get the sound out. Last night he was tickling her stomach with his nose while I changed her, and she actually laughed. It was such a sweet sound, and all the better because we were both there to hear it.

Life continues to be busy. Sammie is in soccer and gymnastics, as well as school, of course, and will be starting skating lessons soon (she still says she's going to be a Ranger someday - Kitchener Ranger, not New York). Hailey is not currently in any activities, although I may enroll her in swimming lessons again. She turns 3 next week - unbelievable. I am trying to get the house undecorated, and finish tidying up from our various holiday adventures. I would love to just curl up for a weekend with my new books and my scrapbooking, but that's much easier said than done with three - count 'em, three - kids, especially a wee one. I've heard more than one person say the first three months are the hardest, and Rylee will be three months next week, so here's hoping those people know what they're talking about. She is getting more settled now. I was re-reading Hailey's first year calendar yesterday - I had forgotten how long it took to get her sleeping in her crib instead of our bed. I'm SO glad Rylee made that transition already, and so easily.

So, yes, life is busy, but good. On more than one occasion over the holidays I looked around and smiled and thought (and sometimes even said), "I'm happy." I have a husband who loves me and who I love (that sounds very grammatically wrong, but I can't figure out what it should be). I have three healthy, beautiful children. I have a job I truly enjoy, a nice place to live, enough food to eat, enough money to provide my family with the things we need and some things we don't need but want, we're all generally healthy...on the whole, there's very little to complain about. I am grateful.


Jodi13 said...

Ha ha ha! AJ has slept just fine for the last 4 nights, so I am guessing it was a combination of his cold and the travelling from the beginning of the month - but he is back to his old self for sleeping - and awake at 5:07 this morning (that I could do without!)

Daphne said...

"...a husband who loves me and WHOM I love"
