It really is a song lyric. I don't remember the name of the song but Daph will.
Today was marginally better, but only marginally. I dropped the girls off early at the sitter so I could take the van for an oil change. I just missed the shuttle, so I had to wait for the next one, and therefore ended up being 10 min late for work. I called to warn them, so there was someone to cover my class, but honestly, you'd think that dropping my vehicle off at 8 am would allow me to get to work, a 10 min drive away, by 8:40. Not so.
After school, the shuttle picked me up, I picked up the van and drove home, then walked to get the kids. We got home, I made dinner while Sammie did her homework and then played outside with Hailey and a friend. I was so pleased because we got the homework taken care of before I took Sam and Hailey to a friend's house while I took Rylee to swimming lessons. We got away from the house on time, I dropped the girls off, Rylee and I were on the pool deck at 6:28 for a 6:30 class. During the lesson the instructor asked me to remind her of Rylee's name. I told her what it was, and after class she pointed to Rylee's name on a list and asked if that was her. I said, "Yep, that's her." She said, "Yeah, she's actually in the 6:00 class." I'm pretty sure that at some point we made it to a 6:00 class, but I know a couple of weeks ago when I was out of town on a Wed night, I helped Ryan make arrrangements for the same friend to watch Sammie and Hailey, and arranged for him to drop them off at 6:10. So Carrie, if you read this, next time we ask you to babysit during Rylee's swimming lesson, if I say the lesson's at 6:30, smack me upside the head.
Anyway, we came home, I put Rylee to bed, she was being quiet, and I thought all was well. I had put her in pyjamas after swimming, hoping she'd fall asleep in the car, but that didn't happen. Then, as I was reading the bedtime story to Sammie and Hailey, Rylee started coming down the stairs. So much for my hope she'd forget she figured out how to do that. So, we put the big girls to bed, then I sat with Rylee in the rocking chair and rocked her for a while. At about 9 pm I was able to put her down, and she's been in bed ever since.
I was just talking to somebody at work about how just when you think you've got everything under control, it all falls spectacularly apart. That's what today was like. Just when I thought I was getting a handle on things, I find out I've been taking Rylee to the wrong swimming lesson. And then she refuses to go to sleep again.
So, the dishwasher got emptied, two loads of laundry got folded, another one went through the machines (diapers - we were getting low), and some marking got done. It's not everything I was hoping to accomplish, but it's a start. AND I posted again, so I at least seem to have a handle on NaBloPoMo. If nothing else, my misadventures this week are giving me something to write about!
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And I would go
And I would go everyday almost to the sandbox
And 'cause I loved the sandbox so much
And 'cause I had my pail and my shovel
And and my shovel
And I would play in the sandbox
And it would be so fun
And I would make mountains in the sand
And I would have so much fun
And and but one day I went to the sandbox
And it was so sad
And I cried and I cried because
Someone took a doody in my sandbox
Someone took a doody in my sandbox
And that was so bad
And that was so disgusting
And how could they do that
And and that was so bad
And and and I didn't see it
And and I sat right down in it
And it felt squishy and I got up
And I cried and I cried and I cried
And why didn't they clean up after themselves
Why didn't they clean up the mess
And now my pants are dirty
And I'm crying and I'm crying and I'm crying
And I'm never going to the sandbox again
I'm never going to the sandbox again
And I hate everybody
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